Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Space between Pedagogy and Praxis: Enacting an Accessible, Critical Disability Studies Pedagogy through the Course Syllabus, Jennifer M. Coe
Digital Safe Spaces: Nonbinary Community Building on Tiktok, Xan Daggett
“So Much Happens between those Two Spaces ”: Focalization and Parent-Child Relationships in the Moth Keeper and the Magic Fish, Sarah DelMaramo
Mapping the Mess: a Literate Activity Method for Teacher Research on Civic Literacies in Writing Classrooms, Brittany Larsen
Russian Verbs of Motion: Analyzing Pedagogical Approaches and Developing a Handbook for Russian Language Learners, Elena Petrova
Resonance: a Methodology and Pedagogy for Socially Just Storytelling, Helen Plevka-Jones
Elements, Andres L. Sanchez
A Poetics of Entanglement: the Enmeshed Creation of Interrogative Space, Phil Spotswood
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Reframing Writing Teachers as Writers: Using Online Messages as Teaching Tools during Crisis and Beyond, Emily Capan
Decolonizing Assessment: Witnessing, Disrupting, and Reimagining Assessment in Rhetoric, Composition, and Technical Communication, Lisa Schuler Dooley
A Case for the Negotiation of Agency by Disenfranchised Subjects in Contemporary Nigerian Literature, Chinelo Eneh
Drenched and Drying: Regional Affects and Small-Scale Souths: a Creative Dissertation, Emily Fontenot
Otherhood: Tracing Childhood in Korean American Literature for Youth, Nina Hanee Jang
Monsters Can Do More: Teaching with Monster Studies, Colleen Karn
Ecofeminism Reimagined: Discourse & Embodiment in Young Adult Literature, Laurel Krapivkin
Language Ideologies and Practices in Ghana's English Language Education: a Critical Analysis of Golden English and National Literacy Acceleration Program Formative Report, Gideon Kwashie Kwawukumey
Fever City: Memory, Truama, and Storytelling via Hybrid Writing Methods: a Creative Dissertation, Samantha Moe
Illustrating Postcolonial Margins: Locating Experimental, Collaborative, Indian Graphic Narratives in the Twenty-First Century, Sayanti Mondal
Translingual Pedagogy in the First-Year Composition Classroom: an Examination of Divergent Student Uptake, Ashton Taylor Myerscough
An Authoethnographic Study of My Biliteracy Writing Practices as an Akan Speaker of English: Implications for L 2 Writing, Gabriel Opare
Community-Based Risk Communication during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Biwoc Framework, Raven Latice Preston
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Exploring Second Language Writing Pedagogy in the Saudi Univeristy Context: a Descriptive Case Study of Writing Instruction and Feedback Strategies, Talal Waleed Daweli
Inheritance and Appropriation: Confronting Privilege in Magical Young Adult Fiction, Natalie Jipson
We Might Be Salvaged, Hannah Kroonblawd
Towards a Relational Understanding of Food, Identity, and Diversity in Children’s Literature, Katy Lewis
The Resistance of the Hondureña: Bridging Literary Graveyards through a Postcolonial-Ecofeminist Approach, Anna Linnea Ortiz
The Challenges of Navigating Feminism in Nigeria: a Case for Third Space Feminism, Pearl Osibu
Hearts of Gold: Adapting the Lives of 19th Century Alaskan Sex Workers into a Biopic, Kelly Pierce
Lydia’s Urn: Exploring Trauma, Non-binary Identity, and Plural Subjectivity via Metamodern Gaming, a Creative Dissertation, Eric Jason Pitman
The Perennial Quest: Working towards Equitable Assessment with Student-Centric Learning Contracts, Matthew W. Schering
The Urgency for a Transnational Feminist Methodology: an Inclusive Analytical Framework for Neocolonialism and Globalization, Sanam Shahmiri
Disability Representation: Sites of Grassroots Activism on Grief and Insidious Trauma, Shawna Marie Sheperd
Toward an Asian American Antiracist Pedagogy for First Year Writing, Dorothy Margaret Stone
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
English Medium Instruction ( Emi ) at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences ( Ksau-Hs ): Students’ Needs and Instructors’ Attitudes, ABDULELAH MOHAMMED ALKHATEEB
Teaching English Language Varieties: Promoting Linguistic and Educational Change through a Critical Multicultural Pedagogical Approach in the “Introduction to Linguistics ” Course, Lyudmila N. Belomoina
The Pedagogy of Terror: Women's Education in the Gothic Novel, Faith Borland
Defining Compulsory Academic Genres: a Feminist Rhetorical Interrogation of Required Institutional Practices, Courtney Cox
Literate Activity Research and Narrative Analysis as Frameworks for Educational Change: an Examination of Writing Instruction in Two Alternative Education Programs, Leslie Rae Hancock
The Globalgothic Vampire: Application of and Benefits for the English Studies Model, David Lawrence Hansen
Peering at the Mirror of Reflection: Agency and Design Thinking in the Development of Writerly Identities, Elizabeth Louise Jones
An Autoethnographic Study of My Student and Teacher Experiences in First-Year Composition ( Fyc ) in Ghana: ( Re ) Developing More Inclusive Pedagogies in Fyc in the U.s., Eric Nuamah Korankye
The Politics of Di/visibility: Narrative Positioning and Disability Representation in Children’s Literature, Agathe Lancrenon
Queering Genre and Joy: Reclaiming and Navigating Queerness through Hybridity, Rebecca Meier
Keats and Shelley: a Pursuit towards Progressivism, Serenah Minasian
Treasure, Women, and Agency: Exploring Objectification in a World of Living Objects, Alexa Parker
“It Was Nice To Know I Was N’t the Only One Struggling: ” Establishing Empathy and Communal Awareness Using Life Writing at the Middle Level, Kristin Danielle Reynolds
Material Witnesses: Deconstructing Networks of Credibility and Objectivity in Medical Narratives from Mary Toft to the Contraceptive Pill, Krista Elizabeth Roberts
Arreidis ( Roots ): Fala Language and It S Quest for Identity, Claudia Sánchez Sánchez
The Pen Is the Sword: Fighting by Writing for Our Future, Clinton Alexander Soper
Interrogating Digital Rhetorical Privacy on Direct-to-Consumer Genetics Websites, Charles Fletcher Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Autoethnography of Laughter: Transforming Identity by Teaching Composition and Linguistics through Humor, Olya Cochran
The Uses, Understandings, and Values of Student Strucutral Assisting Metatexts in College First Year Composition Courses, Joseph Ryan Dundovich
( Dis ) Ability Discourse and the Mediation of Disabled Identity in Young Adult Literature and Television, Daniel Freeman
Collaboration in the Technical Communication Classroom: Negotiating Team Contracts in a Pwi, Alyssa Herman
Minor Subjects: Power and Inequity in Children's and Adolescent Literature, Wesley Jacques
The Magic of Teaching and Assessing Writ [ Rid ] Ing, Kristina Koehler
By Your Powers Combined: Heroic Solutions to Climate Catastrophes in the Fifth Season, Avengers: Infinity War, and Horizon: Zero Daw N, Kematat Matthew Medrala
Theorizing Desire in the Young Adult Romance Genre, Shelby Ragan
From Cultural to Colonial: Differential Writing Practices and a Negotiation of Genre’s Value-Laden Nature in First-Year-Composition Classes, Md Mijanur Rahman
Sleuths as Social Activists: Negotiations of Power & Morality in Ya Sleuthing Stories, Heather Leigh Sanford
Bull and Vine, Hunter Houk Sheaffer
The Reading Eye, Ruminating Body, and Regulated Gaze: ( Re ) Constructing Gender in the Old English Lives of Saints, Thelma Trujillo
( Re ) Mapping Bisexuality through Space and Place in Young Adult Literature, Jennifer Tullos
Voice, Choice, and ( Material ) Agency: the Sexualized Feminine Body in Young Adult Literature, Tharini Viswanath
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Women in Fantasy: Healing Worlds from Trauma via Ethics of Care, Ann J. Borow
Resist and Rebel: Life Narrative Subjects That Use Gender Performance To Subvert Patriarchal Ideals, Elizabeth Calero
The Québecois Connection: the French-Canadian Diaspora in Jack Kerouac’s on the Road, Justin Charron
When Affect Meets the Relational: a Dialogical, Life Writing Approach to English Studies, D. Shane Combs
An Intersectional Feminist Rhetorical Reframing of Rhetorics of Efficiency within Public Policy: Embodied Knowledge and Usability, Oriana A. Gilson
Epic Stories: Sequence Fiction, Young Readers, and the Aesthetics of World Building, Jordana Estelle Hall
When Inexpressible Becomes Expressible: the Duality of Narrative in Graphic Memoirs of Growing up and Trauma, Nina Hanee Jang
Toward a Theory of Procedural Rhetorical Systems: Demonstrations of Player Agency in Uptake of Rules in Video Games, Sydney A. Klem
Inoculations against Dominant Masculinity: Form as Representation for Women, Charley Koenig
Identity in Life Writing: Fact, Fiction, and Memory, Bridget Langdon
Gatekeeping Remix: Fandom Spaces and Identity Politics, Brittany Larsen
Conceiving a “Veneration for Clowns ”: Popular Amusement and Social Subversion in the Novels of Charles Dickens, Abigail Palmisano
Manifest Destiny Continued: the Reification and Colonization of Time, Blake Reno
Beyond the Words: Paratextual and Bibliographic Traces of the Other Reader in British Literature, 1760-1897, Jeffrey Duane Rients
Complicating Advocacy with Intersectional Technofeminism: a Social Justice Methodology for Digital Rhetorics, Public Rhetorics, and Technical Communication, Sarah J. Warren-Riley
The Use of Discursive Features as a Representation of Voice and Identity in L2 Writing: a Case Study of Multilingual Graduate Students, Demet Yigitbilek
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Readers Constructed by Shakespeare Anthologies and Pedagogical Scholarship, Andrea Berns
“Destined To Make an Era ”: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody’s Transcendentalist Collaborations, Andrew Del Mastro
Writing Counternarratives: Authorizing the Black Woman’s Autobiographical Voice by Reading Ntozake Shange’s for Colored Girls as Life Narrative, Chereka C. Dickerson
Seeing Reading in First-Year Composition, Matthew Felumlee
Translating Le Fresne: Modeling Digital Scholarly Editions, Gabrielle Litwiller
“the Testing Served Its Purpose ”: High-Stakes Testing as a Method of Categorization and Control in Young Adult Dystopian Novels, Rebecca Lorenzo
( Re ) Making Insurrection: Genre, Historicity, and the Narrative Legacy of Nat Turner, Chamere Ranyail Poole
Chatting with Middle Schoolers: an Investigation of Student Uptakes of a Pedagogical Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Curriculum in 8 Th-Grade English Language Arts Classes, Deborah Riggert-Kieffer
Teaching Writing through Transformation: Linguistically Diverse Writing Teachers’ Enactments of Linguistic Diversity, Cristina Sanchez-Martin
The Tropes We Tutor by: Names and Labels as Tropes in Writing Center Work, Scott R. Sands
Here’s Looking at You, Kids: Dystopian Roadmaps to the Present in the Secondary Classroom, Michael Arthur Soares
Trauma and the Credibility Economy: an Analysis of Epistemic Violence and Its Traumatic Functions, Gina Stinnett
Old: a Personal Essayist’s Reflections of an Aging Adult, Marcia Irene Taylor
#Digitalactivism: Examining #yesallwomen and Teaching Social Media Activism in Technical Communication, Karishma Verma
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Toward an Interventionary Rhetoric for Technical Communication Studies, Julie Collins Bates
Post-Internet Writing: Social Media and Contemporary Fiction, Andrew Boomhower
Body Composition: Reading, Writing, and Resisting Weight Loss Autobiography as Biopolitical Pedagogy, Katherine Ann Browne
“It’s Not Rape -y Enough ”: How the Master Sexual Assault Narrative Restricts the Stories Writers Can Tell, Elizabeth Cachey
Canvases of Representation: Addressing the Cultural Politics of Black Male Superhero Identity in Graphic Narratives, Danielle L. Cochran