Submissions from 2024
Rockin’ the Regime: Mormon Missionaries, American Popular Music, and the Fading of Spanish Fascism, Ryan A. Davis
From “life as lived” to “life as text”: Gendered Geographies of Diaspora and Exile in Clément Baloup’s Vietnamese Memories, Jennifer Howell
Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki (Strange Tales of the Crescent Moon), Roger Thomas
Submissions from 2020
Introduction and Valentin Weigel and Anti-Clerical Tradition, The Forgotten Reformation, Andrew Weeks
Valentin Weigel and Anticlerical Tradition, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2019
Having a Name for It: SoTL's Impact on My Work, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Re-examining Teacher Candidate Performance on World Language edTPA as a Consequential Assessment, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter B. Swanson
Jacob Böhme, Johannes Staritius (ca. 1580-??) and the Culture of Dissent, Andrew Weeks
Of the Three Principles of Divine Being with Translation, Introduction, and Commentary, Andrew Weeks and Leigh Penman
Submissions from 2018
World Language edTPA Challenges and Opportunities in Illinois, H C. Carruthers, Susan A. Hildebrandt, and K Lichtman
Consequential World Language edTPA: Outcomes, Successes, and Challenges, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Spanish Speaking Teacher Candidate and Stakeholder Perceptions and edTPA, Susan A. Hildebrandt, T Barske, S Jourdain, M Olsen, and Peter Swanson
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Language Awareness as Evidenced in the World Language edTPA, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Anne Cummings Hlas
edTPA Language Awareness and Performance Trends, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Cummings Hlas, and J Behney
Bringing the Teacher Shortage in World Language Education into Focus, E Kearney, Susan A. Hildebrandt, and Peter Swanson
edTPA History, Promises, and Problems, Peter B. Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Researching edTPA Promises and Problems: Perspectives from English as an Additional Language, English Language Arts, and World Language Teacher Education, Peter B. Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt PhD
The View from Three States, Peter Swanson, A DeVault, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Hlas, and P Wesely
Communicative Learning Outcomes and the World Language edTPA: Characteristics of High-scoring Portfolios, Peter Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt
From Radical Reformation to Mystical Pre-Enlightenment, Andrew Weeks
Introduction, Chapter One, and Nine in Jacob Böhme and His World, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2017
Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Language Awareness, and edTPA: ISU Language Teacher Candidates' Feedback Practices, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Student Teachers and CALL: Personal and Pedagogical Uses and Beliefs, Anne Cummings Hlas, Kelly Conroy, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Everything You Always Wanted to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask), J C. Morales, N Naditz, S Cottrell, T Sauer, B Mau, M Halemba, M Cobe, S Harrington, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Communicative Learning Outcomes and World Language edTPA: Characteristics of High-scoring Portfolios, Peter Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Böhmes Welt des sichtbaren Wortes in den Drey Principien Göttliches Wesens, Andrew Weeks
Valentin Weigel (1533-1588) – Ein Ketzer in neuer Perspektive: Zum Abschluss der Neuedition seiner Sämtlichen Schriften, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2016
Making Ends Meet: Literature Pedagogy, Faculty-Graduate Student Teamwork, and Undergraduate Literacy, Kelsey Forkner, Susan George, Josette Lorig, and Andrew Weeks
Application of SoTL: Sharing Results with Students, Susan A. Hildebrandt
It All Started with a SoTL Small Grant: National Recognition for Global Engagement, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Understanding the World Languages edTPA, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Who Has the Final Word in Assessing Language Teacher Readiness?: Corporate Standardization Versus Local Expertise, Susan A. Hildebrandt
GLOBE: Five Techniques to Develop Interculturality Through Technology, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Cummings Hlas, and Kelly Conroy
Engaging Language Learners in Community Service, Susan A. Hildebrandt and J Lynd
Understanding the World Language edTPA: Research-based Policy and Practice, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter B. Swanson
Emerging Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Preservice Spanish Teachers: An Examination of Liberal Arts and Education Majors' Writing, Anne Hlas and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Deutsche Mystik und mystisches Deutschtum, Andrew Weeks
Paracelsus, Verkünder und Querulant, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2015
Implementing edTPA: Successes, Challenges, and Outcomes, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Review of the book: Teacher Evaluation in Second Language Education, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Practical Solutions to the edTPA Challenges, Susan A. Hildebrandt, C Glynn, E Goulette, and Peter Swanson
Submissions from 2014
edTPA Questions, and Concerns, C Eydt-Beebe, Susan A. Hildebrandt, and K Lichtman
Mutually Beneficial Service Learning: Language Teacher Candidates in a Local Community Center, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Researching the edTPA in World Language Teacher Preparation Programs, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter B. Swanson
World Language Teacher Candidate Performance on edTPA: An Exploratory Study, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter B. Swanson
Paracelsus, Andrew Weeks
Paracelsus' Invisible Diseases and the Cosmic Reformation, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2013
Working WITH the Brain to Better Educate Language Teacher Candidates, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Comparing Nine World Language Teacher Preparation Programs Within and Across Three States, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Hlas, and Kelly Conroy
Assessing the Effectiveness of New Teachers with edTPA, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Anne Cummings Hlas
Brain-based Strategies: What Every Teacher Needs to Know, Anne Cummings Hlas and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Second Language Learning as Perceived by Students with Disabilities, Sally S. Scott, Susan A. Hildebrandt, and Wade A. Edwards
The German Faustian Century; Antiauthoritarianism and the Problem of Knowledge in the Faustbuch, J. M. van der Laan and Andrew Weeks
Meister Eckhart and Valentin Weigel, Andrew Weeks
Paracelsus and the Idea of the Renaissance, Andrew Weeks
Radical Reformation and the Anticipation of Modernism in Jacob Boehme, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2012
Implementing the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA), N Ferrill and Susan A. Hildebrandt
A Mutually Beneficial Example of Service Learning: Collaboration Between Preservice Language Teachers and a Local Community Center, Susan A. Hildebrandt and I Brown
Service Learning Outcomes of an American World Language Teacher Education Course, Susan A. Hildebrandt and I Brown
Meeting Language Teacher Education Accreditation Challenges, Susan A. Hildebrandt and D Vinci-Minogue
Learn with NADSFL - University and District Collaborations: Successes and Challenges, G Lundgaard, M Curran, J Eddy, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
The Language of Disabilities: Start-up Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms, S Scott, Wade Edwards, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Das gute Leben in einstürzenden Welten: Paracelsus, Valentin Weigel und Jakob Böhme, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2011
Open a New Window: Improving School District and University Collaborations, M Curran, J Eddy, G Lundgaard, R A. Oleksak, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
The Oral Proficiency Interview, C Eydt-Beebe, B Carstens-Wickham, C Crane, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Foreign Language Teacher Motivations for Professionalization, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Minhee Eom
Teaching Professionalization: Motivational Factors and the Influence of Age, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Minhee Eom
Encouraging Collaboration in the World Language Methods Course, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Cummings Hlas, D Byrd, and Kelly Conroy
An Inter- and Intra-state Comparison of World Language Teacher Education Programs, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Anne Cummings Hlas, and Katie Conroy
Student Perceptions Related to the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning, Susan A. Hildebrandt, Sally Scott, and Wade Edwards
Collaborating with Disability Services: Design Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms, Susan A. Hildebrandt, S Scott, and Wade Edwards
Foreign Language Learning as Perceived by College Students with Disabilities: Barriers to Learning and Positive Experiences, Sally Scott, Susan A. Hildebrandt, and Wade Edwards
Das fragmentierte Mosaik: Was sind die Aussichten einer Paracelsus Edition, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2010
Inclusive Foreign Language Teaching, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Inclusive Practices in the L2 Classroom, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Pra'cticas Inclusivas en la Ensen~anza del Castellano, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Working Together to Develop Student Teachers, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Demonstrations of Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Spanish Liberal Arts and Spanish Education Majors' Writing, Anne Cummings Hlas and Susan A. Hildebrandt
What Teacher Educators Need to Know, R Oleksak, G Lundgaard, M Curran, and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Submissions from 2009
Teaching Creatively: an Online Hybrid L2 Methods Class, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Continued Second Language Teacher Development: More Trends, Goals and Challenges, Susan A. Hildebrandt, K Murphy-Judy, I Cavour, M Curran, and B Wassell
The Virginia Consortium of Language Teacher Education, K Murphy-Judy, J Shrum, Susan A. Hildebrandt, H Small, R Fox, and L Franklin
Submissions from 2008
Spanish Teachers' Resource Use While Attempting National Board Certification, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Second Language Teacher Development: Trends, Goals, and Challenges, Susan A. Hildebrandt, I Cavour, M Curran, and M Morris
Foreign Language Teacher Motivations for Professionalization: An Exploratory Factor Analysis, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Minhee Eom
Paracelsus, Böhme und die Metaphysik des Willens, Andrew Weeks
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541): Essential Theoretical Writings, Andrew Weeks
Submissions from 2007
Effectively Assessing Cultural Knowledge in the Language Classroom, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Why Do Language Teachers Get National Board Certified?, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Minhee Eom
Communication Matters: Successfully Supervising Student Teachers, Anne Cummings Hlas and Susan A. Hildebrandt
Submissions from 2006
National Board Certified Teachers of Spanish: Motivations and Research Usage, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Teaching Successful Methods Courses, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Anne Cummings
Submissions from 2005
A Study of Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Preservice Teachers and Spanish Majors, Anne Cummings and Susan A. Hildebrandt
New Foreign Language Teacher Testing: A Critical Perspective, Susan A. Hildebrandt
Arbeiten und Erkennen, Andrew Weeks
Between God and Gibson: German Mystical and Romantic Sources in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, Andrew Weeks
Boehme, Andrew Weeks
Valentin Weigel and The Fourfold Interpretation of the Creation, Andrew Weeks
Weigel, Andrew Weeks