
Submissions from 2018

Supervising Student Teachers in the World of Performance-Based Assessments: Professional Development Needs of Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisors, Tamra S. Davis and Kathy J. Mountjoy


Teaching Talk: An Exploration of the Content and Implementation of the Common Core State Standards, Anna Wright, Brian Rohman, Dakota Horn, Barbara Meyer, and Cheri J. Simonds

Submissions from 2017


Communicative Learning Outcomes and World Language edTPA: Characteristics of High-Scoring Portfolios, Peter Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt

Submissions from 2016


Creating an Instructional Framework to Prepare Teacher Education Candidates for Success on a Performance-Based Assessment, Tamra S. Davis, Kathy J. Mountjoy, and Elisa L. Palmer


Understanding the World Language edTPA: Research-Based Policy and Practice, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Pete Swanson


‘We Matter Just the Same’: Students and Pre-Service Teachers Working Together in an Alternative Educational Setting, Erin Mikulec and Adam Herrmann

Submissions from 2015


“I Didn’t Realize HOW Important It Is”: Pre-Service Secondary Teachers Reflecting on an Intensive Clinical Experience, Erin Mikulec

Submissions from 2014


Mutually Beneficial Service Learning: Language Teacher Candidates in a Local Community Center, Susan A. Hildebrandt


World Language Teacher Candidate Performance on edTPA: An Exploratory Study, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Pete Swanson

Submissions from 2012


The Impact of Studying Abroad on Male Preservice Teachers: A Phenomenological Investigation, Julie M. McGaha and Sandra M. Linder

Professional Faces: Pre-Service Secondary Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Social Networking Sites, Erin A. Mikulec


Comparing Online and Face-to-Face Presentation of Course Content in an Introductory Special Education Course, James R. Thompson, Patricia H. Klass, and Barbara M. Fulk

Submissions from 2010


A Signature Pedagogy for Leadership Education: Preparing Principals through Participatory Action Research, Neil Sappington, Paul J. Baker, Dianne Gardner, and Joe Pacha

Humanistic Critique of Education: Teaching and Learning as Symbolic Action, Peter M. Smudde


Reflections of Pre-Service Teachers on Their Own Teaching Practices, David W. Snyder

Submissions from 2009

Urban Teacher Preparation for Elementary, Middle and Secondary Schools, M. A. Moore and B. K. Simonds

Urban Teachers Changing Lives, M. A. Moore and B. K. Simonds

Submissions from 2008


The Process of Implementing a Paperless Classroom in Teacher Education using an Electronic Portfolio System, Barbara Meyer


Communication and Diversity: Innovations in Teacher Education, Brent K. Simonds, Lance R. Lippert, Stephen K. Hunt, Maureen E. Angell, and Marilyn K. Moore