Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Relationship of Self-Determination and Self-Construal on College Adjustment, Rayhane Baniardalan
The Role of Attitude, Subjective Norms, Behavioral Control, and Personality in Predicting Intention and Use of Protective Strategies For Cannabis, Joseph A. Ciolino
The Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification and Supervisor’s Organizational Embodiment on Unethical Pro- Organizational Behavior, Taylor Morgan Flinn
Tell Me a Story: an Investigation into Culturally Sensitive Activities To Support Latinos' Help-Seeking Behavior, Estrella Jaqueline Gomez Hernandez
#Bicultural: Social Media Use, Needs Satisfaction, and Well-Being of Immigrants, Rachel Juliane Hecke
Children's Understanding of the Internet as a Moderator for Age-Related Trust Tendencies, Travis Hicks
Microaggressions and Their Impact on the Neurodiverse College Experience, Audre J. Knecht
Precrastination as a Form of Intention Offloading: a Test of the Clear Hypothesis, Ryan Jun Seong Liew
Replication Study on Ostracism and Self-Isolation the Role of Shame and Guilt, Zhi Quan Lim
Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating: the Role of Fathers, Aleena E. Mangold
“Trust Us To Teach It ”: Examining the Associations among Leadership, Organizational Trust, and Well-Being in Educational Settings, Jessica McKinley
Selectively Remembering Properties of a Person-Probe-Surface System, Maisha Tahsin Orthy
The Impact of Work Setting, Autonomy, and Belonging on Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Sydney May Risen
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescents’ Sense of Self Outcomes: the Moderating Role of Student-Teacher Relationships, Meredith Spraggon
Impact of Ableist Microaggressions on Dis / Abled Youth: Perceptions of School Climate and Academic Motivation, Nitza M. Torres Gonzalez
Effects of Delay on Short-and Long-Term False Memories for Semantic and Phonological Lists, Ece Yuksel
Parent-Child Interaction and Developing Resilience in Young Children, Seungok Yum
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Experiences of Microaggressions among Latiné Health Service Graduate Students and the Supervisory Relationship, Mackenzie Callahan
Awe and Positive Affect: the Role of Self-Transcendence and Self-Focused Attention, Autumn Chall
Can Video Comparison Facilitate Children's Stem Learning?, Alexis Rene Colwell
False Memories for Stereotypes: Effects of Attention and Delay, Maria Corea Dubon
How Do Dispositional Mindfulness and Statistical Anxiety Affect Student Performance on an Exam?, Mario Diaz
Transfer of Learning in Perception with Haptic Sensory Substitution Devices, Tyler Joseph Duffrin
Latinx Students' Sense of Belonging: Role of Idea-Related Courses, Alondra Eradnsa Faudoa
The Impact of Stress on Graduate Students’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Moderating Role of Mentorship, Victoria Garcia
The Association between Civic Engagement via Participatory Art and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy, Michaela Ann Hayes
Is Coping Enough? Examining Coping and Burnout among Educators in a Pandemic, Caitlyn Jezowit
Numeracy, Consistency, and the Allais Paradox, Sean J. McGinity
Parenting Characteristics and the Development of Self-Compassion: a Look at Self-Warmth and Self-Coldness, Meghan Rogers
The Moderating Influence of Individual Differences between Perceived Organizational Support and Effort, Michael Schneider
Getting Straight to the Point: a Bystander Training for College Students To Address Sexuality-and Gender-Specific Microaggressions in Schools, Caroline Signa
The Effects of Target Facial Stimuli Race, Emotional Expression, and Time Delay on Facial Recognition Memory, MaKayla Smullin
The Moderating Effect of Volunteer Motives on the Relation between Job Demands and Exhaustion, Aaron Whitely
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Transforming Words into Action: Exploring Moderators to Racial Social Justice Action by White College Students, Lindsay Nicole Chassay
Parent Shaming: the Impact of Race and Ability Status on Perceptions of Parenting, Kara Sue Cicciarelli
Working with Great Expectations: the Impact of Met and Unmet Expectations on Employee Engagement and Intent To Leave, Megan Daigle
Predictors of Cross-racial Sharing Behavior in White Preschool Children, Miranda Ellis
The Relationship between Interparental Conflict, Family Attachment Style, and Young Adult Emotion Regulation, Kaylee Enevold
Individual, Child, and Socioeconomic Factors: Effects on Custody Litigation, Natalie Elizabeth Fischer
The Moderating Effect of Mission Statement Integration within Non-profit Organizations, Emma Christine Harris
The Effects of Social Media on Psychological Distress: Contributions of Loneliness, Fear of Missing out, and Need Satisfaction, Garett R. Hawkinson
Bystander or Ally? : Predictors of Adolescent Behavior in Response to Microaggressions on Social Media, Keeley Hynes
The Congruence of Parent-Teacher Relationships for Students with Autism: the Role of Teacher Efficacy and School Climate, Morgan Johnson
Cognitive Biases in Perfectionism: Attention Bias and Memory Bias for Perfectionism-Relevant and Negative Stimuli, Elizabeth Mary Marsh
Emerging Adults’ Risk Perception and Mindfulness Strategies Concerning Climate Change and Environmental Commitment, Danieli Mercado Ramos
Parents’ Right-Wing Political Conservatism and Trans Teacher Bathroom Access in School: Ambiguity Is Threatening, Aaron F. Neitzel
The Influence of the Facets of Openness to Experience on Music Preference, Fabio Setti
Narcissism and Alcohol Outcomes: the Role of Drinking Motives, Jake Robert Solka
Identity-First vs. Person-First Language: Preferences and Impact of Use, Amanda Taboas
The Intersection of the Sexual Double Standard and Race: a Sexual Triple Standard, Christina Whitaker
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Moral Modeling: How Heroes Impact Values, Christopher David Atkinson
Keep Your Friends Close: Ostracism via Social Media as a Function of Relational Closeness, Ryan Barta
Understanding Teacher-Child and Peer Interactions during a 12-Week Preschool Art Program, Rebecca Bove
The Development of a Measure of Parent and Teacher Perceptions of the Importance of Social-Emotional Learning in the Schools, Heather M. Calkins
Culturally Responsive Practices in Head Start Settings, Kathryn Diane Ferdon
Evaluating the Trauma-Informed Program for Promoting Success, Jessica Foley
Feeling the Light: Sensory Substitution Devices in Research and Rehabilitation, Stephanie Nicole Hartling
A Multidimensional Analysis of Security Priming and Its Effect on Racial Essentialism and the Perception of Race, Marjorie Kate Hart
Does Subjective Time Cost Explain Cognitive Task Choices?, Raina Ashley Isaacs
The Impact of an Inclusive Curriculum on Attitudes toward Sexual Minority Populations, Kirstin Kaylene Johnson
People Who Mistake Dogma for Reason: Development and Validation of the Pseudo-rationalism Scale, Han Wool Jung
Dangerous or Misunderstood? : Attributes Ascribed to Individuals with Mental Illness and Their Effects on Perceived Dangerousness, Sydni Lee Neal
Differences in Mother’s Use of Spatial Language with Male and Female Infants during a Block Play Scenario, Elizabeth Phillis
Effects of the Antidepressant Drug Vortioxetine on Ventral Pallidal Neuronal Activity, Respiration, and Heart Rate in the Rat, Piper Rogers
Perceived Discrimination and Emotional Distress Experienced by Queer vs Heterosexual People of Color, Moderated by Perceived Distal or Proximal Social Support, Sanjana Satishkumar
Mediation among Depression, Acceptability of Emotions, Emotional Intensity and Emotional Disclosure, Brandie Vera
Defining Effective Parenting and Teaching Practices among Head Start Caregivers and Educators: a Qualitative Approach, Ellen C. Wing
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Oops I Drank It Again: Predictors of Emerging Adults’ Unplanned Drinking, Ashley Rose Adams
Reducing Narcissistic Aggression: Examining the Effect of Self-Affirmation on Subclinical Levels of Narcissism, Kelsey Ann Anello
Low in Advantageous Personality Traits? Find an Alternative Path to Higher Job Performance, Ares Boira Lopez
The Dark Triad Predicted by Belief in Determinism and Objectification, Rachel Boros
Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulations Efficiency: the Difference in Speed for Rdbms Based on Age, Toy-Type, and Infant Hand Preference, Sarai Mikal Cortina
Mediation among Childhood Sexual Abuse, Self-Objectification, and Risk Recognition, Michelle Maria Coventry
Temperament and Aggression: Examining the Link between a Shy and Inhibited Temperament and Reactive and Proactive Aggression, Samantha L. Croney
Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Moral Disengagement, and Victimization: the Demeaning Socio-Cognitive Attitudes of Bullies, Megan E. Donnelly
Identity Centrality's Influence on the Relation between Disclosure and Mental Health Stigma, Samantha Ege
Comparing Verbal and Spatial Working Memory in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers, Rosaury Hernandez
Social Media Rumination: the Impact of Materialistic Value Orientation, Keeley Hynes
A Comparison between General and Special Educators: Elementary Teachers' Efficacy for Teaching Students with Disabilities, Morgan E. Johnson
The Effects of Handwriting and Typing Practice on Transcriptional Fluency and Written Product Outcomes, Brian Klein
“Where Words Fail, Music Speaks ”: Emotion Regulation Strategies Using Music When Experiencing Sadness, Kendall M. Ladd
Mediating the Relation between Parent-Child Attachment Relationships and Peer Acceptance with Preschoolers’ Self-Regulation, Jessica Nicole Lucas-Nihei
Exploring Emotions at Work: the Effects of Trait Affect and Display Rules on Co-rumination, Miranda Maher
Implicit Attitudes toward Children’s Gender Nonconforming Behavior: the Mediating Role of Stigma by Association When Blaming Mothers, Emily A. Morrow
Black American Students with and without Disabilities: Stress and Coping Strategies, Gabriel Asare Sarpong
The Impact of Colorblind Racial Attitudes and Implicit Bias in Evaluations of Student Behavior, Khyati Verma
Mediation among Maladaptive Perfectionism, Maladaptive Emotion Regulation, and Distress, Jennifer L. Woodrum
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Teachers' Perceptions of English Learners: a Multidimensional Scaling Approach, Cyndy Alvarez
Exploring Microaggressions among Trans Populations: Effects on Feelings of Social Exclusion, Stephanie M. AuBuchon
Parent and Teacher Perceptions of the Importance of Social-Emotional Learning in the Schools, Heather Mae Calkins
Gender and Persistence in Stem Careers: Predictors and Barriers, Margaret Rose Christie
Labeling Intimacy: Examining Attitude Differences about Romantic and Sexual Intimacy in Sexual and Asexual People, Alyssa N. Clark
Influence of Authority and Message Framing on Compliance with Mental Health Treatment Recommendations, Morgan A. Ess
The Effect of Thinking about Being Excluded by God on Well-Being: a Replication and Extension, Anna R. George
The Association between Attachment and Conflict Resolution during Friendship Conflict among College Students, Alison Hamlet
Childhood Sexual Abuse, Personality, and Risk Recognition, Emily M. Harms