Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Role of Perceived Academic Control, Preoccupation with Failure, and Academic Emotions on Major Satisfaction, Alison N. Lehman
The Relationship between Childhood Sexual Abuse, Attachment Style, Rejection, and Risk Recognition, Jordan E. Marshall
Secure Attachment with Parents as a Moderator between Child Sexual Abuse and the Development of Borderline Personality Features, Febrian Moten
Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior and Organizational Identification: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, Conrad Niederhauser
Hookup Reactions and Outcomes among College Women: the Role of Implicit and Explicit Sexual Double Standard Attitudes, Alexis Pandelios
Exploring the Influence of Relational Frame Theory on the Treatment Acceptability of Noncontingent Reinforcement, Amanda R. Rohan
The Effects of Race, Affect, Motivation To Control Prejudice, and Perceived Threat on Moral Attributions, Zachery Ean Stillman
The Differential Effects of an Interspersing Procedure among Students at Different Instructional Levels, Samantha DeHaan Sullivan
The Moderating Effect of Employee Bottom-Line Mentality on the Relation between Personality and Unethical Pro-organizational Behaviors, Jordan Thomas
Prominence of Slut Shaming Connected with Sexual Objectification: Boys Will Be Boys and Girls Will Be Sluts, Christina M. Whitaker
Self-Affirmation Theory and the Change of Perception of Self and Threats, Isaac Wicker
Social Learning in the Digital Age: the Impact of Technoference on Mother-Child Attachment and Social Skills, Danielle N. Zayia
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Emotional Overtones of Professional Jargon as Experienced by English and Bilingual Speakers, Daisy Bueno
Experiential Similarity of Depression and Interpersonal Empathy, Sarah E. Caputo
Internalizing Outcomes of Self-Objectification as Predictors of Behavior in Sexual Situations, Kyla Marie Cary
Relationship Closeness and Joint Action Coordination, Vincent Tyler Cialdella
Dynamics of Perception of Affordances for Reaching for Self and Other, Alex Dayer
Does a Positive Illusory Bias Mediate the Moderating Effect of Achievement Orientation on Response to Exclusion in Boys with Adhd?, Alexandria G. Fladhammer
Emotional Overtones of Terms That Parents Encounter in Individualized Education Program ( Iep ) Meetings, Kristin Gallaway
Gender-Exclusive Language: Women’s Perception of Linguistic Ostracism, Voice, and Power in Politics, Michelle Roxanne Grzybowski
Diversity in Parenting: a Qualitative Study on the Socialization Goals of Palestinian Mothers from Different Socio-Economic Backgrounds, Layali BA Hamayel
Attentional Bias to Food Words in Restrained Eaters, Brandon James Hodge
Using Context Specific Measures of Maximizing Tendency To Reduce Inconsistency in Findings, Thomas Holzhauer
Applying Conditional Distributions to Individuals: Using Latent Variable Models, Feng Ji
Walk like a Man: Connecting Masculine Ideologies and Imagery to Young Men’s Sense of Entitlement to Women, Ashley C. Lee
The Effects of Noncontingent Praise ( Ncp ) on Classroom Behavior, Kelly Poirot
The Effects of Technical Language and Individual Differences on Evaluating Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jillian R. Reiher
Negative Outcomes Associated with Childhood Sexual Abuse, Kristen N. Silbert
What's So Bad about Hooking up? : Factors Predictive of More Positive Perceptions Following a Hookup, Jade A. M. Spaulding
Pre -crastination Effects in a Prospective Memory Task: Choosing When To Complete a Difficult Task, Rachel L. VonderHaar
Prompting Procedure Skill Acquisition: the Role of Performance Feedback, Ellen C. Wing
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Impact of Ethnic Identity on Psychological Well-Being and Perceived Discrimination among Arab Americans, Rawan Atari
Predicting Gender Differences in Intentions To Pursue Stem Careers, Margaret Rose Christie
The Influence of Interspersal Ratios on Acquisition, Fluency, and Maintenance of Sight Words with Consideration of Instructional Level, the Instructional Hierarchy, and Motivation To Read., Sandra Nicole Clark
Work-Family Domain Interference by Technology Use during Nonwork Times: an Investigation of Cyberstress, Work-Family Conflict, and Boundary Management, Kathleen Frances Dill
School Climate, Stigma by Association, and Adolescent Psychological Distress, Kathryn D. Ferdon
The Use of Reappraisal during Expressive Writing and Its Impact on Affect and Insight, Alleana Micaela Maglaque Fuentes
Addressing Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Recidivism in the Juvenile Justice System, Danielle N. Gieschen
Religious Discrimination in Courtroom Oaths, Shannon M. Griffith
Proactive Personality and Voluntary Turnover: the Moderating Effects of Development and Perceived Career Opportunities, Amy F. Huber
Examining Different Reasons Why People Accept or Reject Scientific Claims, Emilio J. C. Lobato
Mediating the Relation of Socioeconomic Risk and Kindergarten Readiness with Self-Regulation: Investigating the Moderating Role of Teacher-Child Relationships, Leah Cohen Marks
Cognitive Maps of Educators' Attitudes toward Unauthorized Immigrants: a Multidimensional Scaling Perspective, Kerry Pecho
The Effects of Stereotypical Media Portrayals on Latino ( A ) Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem, Jessie Shafer
Rumination and Depressive Psychopathology as Predictors of Creative Achievement, Ryan Michael Willard
Effects of Mood on Processing in Event-Based Prospective Memory, Rachel A. Workman
Bonds beyond Time: Are There Differences in Well-Being, Autonomy, and Bond between Visually Impaired Individuals with Guide Dogs versus Pet Dogs?, Nicole Yarmolkevich
Individual Differences in At-risk Youth’s Responsiveness to a Relationship Education Curriculum, Xiaoya Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Joint Action and Action-Effect Association in a Movement Control Task, Jiuyang Bai
The Role of Work Volition in the Association between College Students’ Medical Illness Symptomatology and Their Major Satisfaction, Educational Persistence Intentions, and Career Aspirations, Lauren Michele Bouchard
Infidelity through the Lens of Trauma, Miranda Dean
To Promote or Prevent When Near or Far: Exploring Regulatory Focus in Geographically-Close and Long-Distance Relationships, Adam James Hampton
The Impact of Gender-Biased Language in State Regulations upon Judgments about Foster Children, Hannah R. J. Heinzel
Ensemble Coding of Semantic Information: Are Numerical Averages Generated in Parallel?, Kassandra R. Lee
A New Approach to Measuring Helicopter Parenting: the Multidimensional Helicopter Parenting Scale, Hayley Love
An Item Response Theory Analysis of Emotional Expressivity Measures, Melissa K. Matheys
Cognitive Bias and Adolescent Risk-Taking, Mayuko Nakamura
The Effects of Cultural Cognition and Parent Perceptions of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Perceptions of Intervention Efficacy, Jillian R. Reiher
Optimizing Cross-Battery Assessment Procedures for Reading-Based Specific Learning Disorder Diagnosis: a Monte Carlo Study, Zachary Joseph Roman
Examining the Role of Executive Functions in Focal Processing of Event-Based Prospective Memory, Tatsuya T. Shigeta
Attention Deficits and Perception of Emotion in Groups, Agnes Renee Strojewska
Measurement Invariance and Psychometric Properties of Career Indecision Profile-65 Scores: College Student and Non-college Samples, Casey J. Zobell
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Task-Switching in Bilinguals: Further Investigation of the Bilingual Advantage, Jennifer M. Brown
Comparing Time and Event Based Prospective Memory: Effects of Delay, Angela Conte
Predicting Risky Sexual Behavior: the Role of Family Context Factors and Socioeconomic Status, Kori Daniel
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Identity Development: the Role of Attachment and Self-Esteeem, Joel David Dukett
Exploring the Dark Side: Investigating the Relationship between Creativity and Perceptions of Dishonesty, Kiera Michelle Dymit
Longitudinal Effects of School Climate on Middle-School Students' Academic, Social-Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes, Jennifer Lynn Engelland-Schultz
You're like Me and I Like You: Variables Mediating the Similarity-Attraction Link in a Social Interaction Study, Amanda N. Fisher
Live like You Were Dying: How Transitions Affect Decisions of Undergraduate University Students, Danielle N. Freund
Workplace Stressors and Employee Well-Being: the Roles of Affect, Boredom Proneness, and Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Kamila Gabka
Examining Possible Perceptual Proxies of Flow State, Devin Michael Gill
Cognitive Flexibility as a Moderator of the Relation between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension, Emily K. Gnaedinger
The Relationship of Magical Thinking to Stigmatizing Reactions in Children and Adults, Christine LeFever
Middle-School Girls' Behavioral Responses to Ostracism: How Much Does Inclusion Cost?, Ashley Leja
Stigma-By-association: the Effect of Parent Disengagement on Head Start Teacher Attitudes toward Their Students, Rachael Antonette Levine
Perceived and Actual Similarity as Predictors of Self-Disclosure and Perceived Understanding at Zero Acquaintance, Rebecca A. Martin
Children's Responses to Cooperative and Competitive Games: a Person X Situation Analysis, Thomas David Mulderink
Can Non-haptic Manipulation of Temperature Influence the Same Emotions as Ostracism?, Rebecca Ann Oglesby
Kindergarteners' Engagement and Outcomes of Two Editions of the Second Step Curriculum, Alyssa Sondalle
Antecedents and Correlates of Work Engagement in Adolescents, Nichoals James Strong
Half the Art of Living: the Influence of Religion on the Relation between Interparental Conflict and Childhood Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors, Alexandra Michelle Wills
Personality Test Faking: Detection and Selection Rates, David J. Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Causal Effects of Language on Exchange of Social Support in an Online Community, Sarah Anne Biehl
Outcome Variables of Childhood Sexual Abuse as Potential Risk Factors for Sexual Revictimization in Adulthood, Christine Renee Bowles
Clinician Interest in Working in Substance Abuse Treatment: the Role of Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectancies, and Stigma, Genevieve Anne Covert
What Kills Love? Factors Influencing the Ending of Love in Romantic Relationships, Michelle Duda
Developing a Multi-group Moderated Model To Predict and Compare Commitment in Geographically Close and Long-Distance Relationships, Fredrick Andrew Eichler
School Climate and Risky Behaviors among Rural Adolescents, Marissa Sherri Green
A Multi-method Examination of Pre-service Teacher Attitudes toward Gay and Lesbian Parents, Julie Herbstrith
Pre -service School Psychologists' Racial and Weight-Related Biases and the Relationship that Taking Diversity Courses Has on these Biases, ShaErica Jackson
Children's Experiences with Relational Aggression and Their Disclosure to Their Friends: an Evaluation of Dyads, Friendship Networks, and Peer Groups, Jayme Lee Jones
Imitation Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Teacher-Directed versus Child-Directed Tasks, Claire Elizabeth Karlen
Victim Response to Hurtful Teasing Episodes: Perceptual and Behavioral Responses of Middle School Boys, Edward Mockus
Effects of Pretreatment with Citalopram on Ventral Pallidal Neuronal Activity, in Vivo, Lynn Moore
Moderators of the Relationship between Perceived Employability and Voluntary Turnover, Joseph Kenneth Morrison
Influence of Seductive Details, Belief-Congruence, and Repeated Testing on Memory for Controversial Information, Daniel Adam Nuccio
Latino Emergent Bilingual Students' Experiences with the Middle School Transition, Kerry Pecho