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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Effectiveness of Music Therapy through Telehealth in Addressing Quality of Life and Mood in Those with Alzheimer’s Disease, Taylor Margaret Stengren
The Effect of Dietary Fiber on Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression in Hemodialysis Patients, Isabelle Strack
The Effect of Load on the Kinetics and Kinematics of the Lower Extremity during Landing, Michael Akira Sullivan
Lost in Translation: South Asian Muslim Women's Interpretation of Religious Gender Role Expectations, Women's Agency, and Women's Identity, Tamanna Tasmin
Perceptions of Residents Living in a Food Desert on the Impact of a Community-Supported Agriculture Pilot Program, Jessica Thome
A Rhetorical Analysis of Higher Education’s Mental Health Messaging, Gabrielle Thompson
Beyond the Mathematics Major: Identifying the Pedagogical Content Knowledge Exhibited by Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Steven R. Turner
I Contain Multitudes: Identity Shift Effects of Diametrically Opposed Self-Presentations, Jacob John Valov
Mediation among Depression, Acceptability of Emotions, Emotional Intensity and Emotional Disclosure, Brandie Vera
Four Scenes from Berenice, a One-Act Opera, Carlos Eduardo Verdam Maria
Creating a Society of Active Citizens: a Study of the Civic Engagement of Alternative Breaks Alumni, Annjanette Maire Weaver
Individualized Music Relaxation and Composition as a Coping Skill for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse in and out of the Therapeutic Setting, J. Juliet Weight
Defining Effective Parenting and Teaching Practices among Head Start Caregivers and Educators: a Qualitative Approach, Ellen C. Wing
“How Do I Make Them Understand and Then Why Would I? ” Exploring the Impact of Disclosure and Support on Coping Perceptions among Nurses with Their Families, Madeline Katherine Witt
Interrogating Digital Rhetorical Privacy on Direct-to-Consumer Genetics Websites, Charles Fletcher Woods
The Significance of Significance: Decolonizing Cultural Resource Management Practices in the Upper Midwest, JUSTIN Allen WOODS
"I Thought that We Could Nurture the Nature out of Our Son": Making Meaning of Parenting in the Narratives of Parents of Children in Residential Treatment, Jared V. Worwood
The Crisis of Democracy: the Case Study of Democratic Backsliding and the Rise of Populism in Poland, Nargiza Yusupova
Functional and Structural Characterization of Trms, Omid John Zare-Mehrjerdi
Auto-Detection of Programming Code Vulnerabilities with Natural Language Processing, Yubai Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
“When Two Elephants Fight, It’s the Ground That Suffers ”: a Neo- Marxist Rhetorical Deconstruction of the United States’ Rhetoric of Power in Resistance to United Nations Treaties, Divine Narkotey Aboagye
An Action Research Study on the Use of Flipped Learning in a Spanish as a Foreign Language Class, Juan Carlos Acevedo Fontecha
Oops I Drank It Again: Predictors of Emerging Adults’ Unplanned Drinking, Ashley Rose Adams
Big Data on Midwest Farms: Assessment of Use, Concerns, and Challenges, Frederick Adomako
Political Violence in Bangladesh: Explaining the Role of State, Zunaid Almamun
The Polite Abuser: Using Politeness Theory To Examine Emotional Abuse, Cimmiaron Alvarez
Dissecting Dystrophin's Roles, Subcellular Organization, and Functional Network in Drosophila Oogenesis, Mina Amini Moghaddam
Reducing Narcissistic Aggression: Examining the Effect of Self-Affirmation on Subclinical Levels of Narcissism, Kelsey Ann Anello
Elementary School Teachers’ Perspectives and Practices of Multicultural Education in Indonesia, Robby Anggriawan
Investigating the Reversibility of Protein Adsorption on Gold Nanoparticles and the Role of Free Thiol, Awosiji Olatunde Awotunde
The Nature of Primary Source Instruction in Social Science Methods Courses, Judith Loraine Bee
A Place To Grow: Examining Teachers’ Interactions in an Online Thirdspace, Morgan Belcher
Identification of Innexins Contributing to Giant-Fiber Escape Responses in Marbled Crayfish, Abigail Marie Benson
Utilizing a Learner Centered Design Model To Support a Change in Grading and Assessment Practices, Carmen Margot Bergmann
The Effects of Nutrition Smartphone Applications on Parents’ Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning Behaviors, Lacey Bertram
First Report of a Potential Mycosporine-like Amino Acid Extracted from Agave: Implications for New Sunscreen Additives, McKenzie Nicole Biswell
Low in Advantageous Personality Traits? Find an Alternative Path to Higher Job Performance, Ares Boira Lopez
The Dark Triad Predicted by Belief in Determinism and Objectification, Rachel Boros
Teachers' Perception of Student Technology Use, Heather Borowiak
Nitrate Transport in the Unsaturated Zone, Patience Bosompemaa
Applying Psychological Reactance Theory to Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Dealing with Technological Change and Tolerance for Ambiguity, Oumaima Boulhna
A Molecular Toolset for the in Vivo Detection of a Sulfolobus Islandicus Leucyl Trna Synthetase Paralog, Nicholas Michael Bretz
The Influence of Instructor Mental Illness Disclosure on the Perceptions of Mental Illness, Classroom Climate, Teacher Credibility, Homophily, and Social Attraction, Kirsten L. Bridgemen
"Do N't Stop Believin'"in a Pair of Socks: How the Sopranos Shapes Our Understanding of Mental Illness, Adam Richard Brockman
The Water Is Always Running: Vaporwave, Fluxus, and the Role of Defamiliarization in Music-Led Virtual Realities, Zachary William Buckley
Testing the Multiple Stressor Hypothesis: Chlorothalonil Exposure Alters Transmission Potential of a Bumble Bee Pathogen but Not Individual Host Health, Austin Christian Calhoun
Adverbial Clauses Introduced with ‘ Cuando’, Julen Carrasco Oteo
Soy Nadie ( I'm Nobody ), Jenny V. Castañon
From the Classroom to the Dean’s Office: Engaging in the Equity Audit Process To Involve Educational Stakeholders To Address Disparities in School Discipline for Students of Color, Trevor Michael Chapman
Visions for Mathematics Instruction, Instructional Practices, and Common Core: Individuality in Large-Scale Reform, Kelsey A. Clarkson
Autoethnography of Laughter: Transforming Identity by Teaching Composition and Linguistics through Humor, Olya Cochran
Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulations Efficiency: the Difference in Speed for Rdbms Based on Age, Toy-Type, and Infant Hand Preference, Sarai Mikal Cortina
Mediation among Childhood Sexual Abuse, Self-Objectification, and Risk Recognition, Michelle Maria Coventry
Temperament and Aggression: Examining the Link between a Shy and Inhibited Temperament and Reactive and Proactive Aggression, Samantha L. Croney
The Relationship between the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Health Risk Appraisals in College-Age Students, Brandi Curtis
Small-Town Living: Do Illinois Universities Understand the Rural College Student?, Erik Andrew Dalmasso
Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Moral Disengagement, and Victimization: the Demeaning Socio-Cognitive Attitudes of Bullies, Megan E. Donnelly
Community College Foundation Board Members: the Overlooked Partners, Christopher S. Downing
The Uses, Understandings, and Values of Student Strucutral Assisting Metatexts in College First Year Composition Courses, Joseph Ryan Dundovich
Perceptions of Outreach, Theory, and Practice at Centers for Teaching and Learning, Samantha Dunn
The Impact of Anthropometric Measurements on Lactate Levels at Rest and during Exercise, Ashley Kristine Edwards
Identity Centrality's Influence on the Relation between Disclosure and Mental Health Stigma, Samantha Ege
A Qualitative Study of the Genesis of a Community Food Pantry for Students of Higher Education, Elizabeth Fast
Experiences from City Year: a Glimpse into the Complex Roles of Racially Diverse Americorps Members and What That Means for the Nonprofit Field, Orsolya Ficsor
An Analysis of Campus Services for International Students at Institutions in the Midwest, Sylvia Miriyam Findlay
Residency and Motivation To Exercise in Rural Postmenopausal Women, Lori Sue Fitton
Perceptions of a Small Midwestern Food Cooperative: a Case Study, Rebecca Forsythe
( Dis ) Ability Discourse and the Mediation of Disabled Identity in Young Adult Literature and Television, Daniel Freeman
Rapid Vertical Flow Assay on Aunp Plasmonic Paper for Sers-Based Point of Need Diagnostics, Richard Frimpong
As Good as Woke? : Mutuality and Third Spaces in a Guatemalan Volunteer Tourism Organization, Hannah Gdalman
The ‘ Dialogic’ of Pedagogical Design: Elementary Teachers Who Consistently Integrate Digital Technologies, Aaron R. Gierhart
Factors That Influence Parent Communication Decisions for Their Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child in Illinois, Karla A. Giese
Managing Citizen Engagement: Local Leader Perspectives from a Midwestern Small City, Isabella B. Green
Bioinformatic Analysis of Venom Proteins from Dasymutilla Occidentalis, Eva Gunawan
Men, Women and Witchcraft: the Feminist Reclamation of the Witch in the Modern Horror Film, Brian Joseph Hadsell
Impact of Contrasting Root Systems on Phosphorus Reduction in a Constructed Wetland, Joy Hall
Running from the Touch on My Back: Affect and Technology in a Studio Practice, Anthony Noel Hamilton
A Study of the Efficacy of Machine Learning for Diagnosing Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease in Non-diabetic Patients, Demond Larae Handley
Hemodynamic Effects of Graston Technique on Trigger Points in the Upper Trapezius in Patients with Neck Pain, Hannah Harris
Students’ Concept Images of Triangle Attributes, Bradley Page Heller
Collaboration in the Technical Communication Classroom: Negotiating Team Contracts in a Pwi, Alyssa Herman
"but We Can Be Friends": an Analysis of Turning Points in Platonic Friendships among Former Significant Others, Desiree Hernandez
Comparing Verbal and Spatial Working Memory in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers, Rosaury Hernandez
The Battlefield of the Academy: the Resilience and Resistance of Black Women Faculty, Jacqueline Hester
Privacy and the Digital Divide: Investigating Strategies for Digital Safety by People of Color, Denavious Hoover
Social Media Rumination: the Impact of Materialistic Value Orientation, Keeley Hynes
Minor Subjects: Power and Inequity in Children's and Adolescent Literature, Wesley Jacques
Does Our Relationship with Nature Influence Our Argumentation Skills about Biodiversity Conservation?, Iresha Nadeeshani Jayasinghe
A Comparison between General and Special Educators: Elementary Teachers' Efficacy for Teaching Students with Disabilities, Morgan E. Johnson
The Experiences of Black Women in Diversity Roles at 4-Year Predominantly White Institutions, Tristen Brena� Johnson
Determination of the Summer Origins of American Kestrels ( Falco Sparverius ) Wintering in Northern and Central Illinois, Taylor P. Joray
“There’s Something That I Want You To Know ”: an Analysis of Coming out Videos in Relation to Community Building and Co-cultural Theory, Franklin J. Kimmell