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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Monstruos Y Fantasmas: La Identidad Española A Través Del Gótico En La Saga El Cementerio De Los Libros Olvidados, Germán Ortiz Uriarte
The Challenges of Navigating Feminism in Nigeria: a Case for Third Space Feminism, Pearl Osibu
Perceptions of Covid-19 on Wedding Professionals' Job Attitudes, Alyssa Jeanne Osterbuhr
The Incorporation of and Engagement in Engineering Design in High School Biology, Margaret Elizabeth Parker
Understanding Juvenile Correctional Officers' Perceptions about Safety and Care of Youth in Their Facilities, Megan Patterson
Standards-Aligned Math Curriculum, Student Demographics, and School Improvement: an Investigation of Illinois’ Lowest-Performing K-8 Schools, Christine Paxson
Hearts of Gold: Adapting the Lives of 19th Century Alaskan Sex Workers into a Biopic, Kelly Pierce
Lydia’s Urn: Exploring Trauma, Non-binary Identity, and Plural Subjectivity via Metamodern Gaming, a Creative Dissertation, Eric Jason Pitman
Victim Advocates’ Perception of the Reluctance of Sexual Assault Survivors Reporting, Nastasha Andrea Powers
Replicas of Social Change: Examining Reflections of Religious Shifts in Japanese Society through Literary Depictions of Kitsune Characters, Sophia Pressler
The Differential Effects of Prenatal Exercise Training Type on Maternal Glucose Metabolism: a Secondary Data Analysis of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial, Stephanie Prostko
Imaginary Landscapes, Richard Oliver Reed
A Study of the Impact of Covid-19 on Latinx College Students in the Midwest, Molly Erin Ricci
The Effectiveness of Myofascial Release on Overhead Athletes with Posterior Shoulder Tightness, Breiann E. Richey
Thermal Controls on Hyporheic Flux and Streambed Flow Dynamics, Jake William Riedel
Navigating Change: Implementation of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility in K-1 Physical Education, Adam D. Rosenbery
A Qualitative Inquiry of the Body Project on College Campuses in Illinois, Maria Ross
Portrait of a"Gentlemanly"Profession: Whiteness and the Persistent Racial Imperviousness of Accounting, Adam J. Saatkamp
Using a Tracer Test To Assess the Fate and Transport of Nitrate in a Saturated Buffer Zone, Alhassan Sahad Sahad
The Latino Underground: Decolonizing Knowledge through a Hip-Hop Testimonio Project, Jorge J Sanchez
How Middle and High School Principals Provide Culturally Responsive Leadership for Underrepresented Students in Stem: a Qualitative Comparative Case Study, Kenneth Jerome Sanderson
Watercolor of Surface Water Reservoirs in West Java, Indonesia Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data, Cavien Izack Marcelyno Satia
#Savequicksilver: How Fans of the Mcu Established Their Fan Identities after Pietro’s False Introduction in the Disney + Series Wandavision, Isabela Scaturro
Mapping the Distribution of the Scarlet-Banded Barbet ( Capito Wallacei ) Using Geographic Information Systems ( Gis ) and Species Distribution Modeling ( Sdm ), Stephanie Marie Scherer
The Perennial Quest: Working towards Equitable Assessment with Student-Centric Learning Contracts, Matthew W. Schering
The Influence of the Facets of Openness to Experience on Music Preference, Fabio Setti
The Urgency for a Transnational Feminist Methodology: an Inclusive Analytical Framework for Neocolonialism and Globalization, Sanam Shahmiri
Evaluating Nutrition Knowledge in Parents and Its Relation to Childhood Obesity, Rachael Shangraw
Disability Representation: Sites of Grassroots Activism on Grief and Insidious Trauma, Shawna Marie Sheperd
Trypanosome Infection Disturbs the Gut Microbiota of Bumble Bee Hosts, Bryan Sierra-Rivera
Narcissism and Alcohol Outcomes: the Role of Drinking Motives, Jake Robert Solka
Toward an Asian American Antiracist Pedagogy for First Year Writing, Dorothy Margaret Stone
Native American Women's Standpoint: Narratives about Identity, Kaitlyn Nicole Sullivan
Extending Edge-Colorings of Complete Uniform Hypergraphs, Insoraki Rahmawati Swabra
Identity-First vs. Person-First Language: Preferences and Impact of Use, Amanda Taboas
The Relationship between Eating Behaviors and Weight Cycling among College Students, Kayla Valluzzi
Revenue Inequalities across Public Universities in the Midwest: What Differentiates the Haves and the Have Nots?, Edward Vize
Improving Water Quality through Reducing Agricultural Nutrient Loss: Field Pennycress as a Cover Crop, Mujen Wang
The Association among Parental Perceptions and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic, Ian C. Washington
Shared Book Reading Experiences for Young Children Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication ( Aac ) Systems, Braelyn Nicole Wence
The Intersection of the Sexual Double Standard and Race: a Sexual Triple Standard, Christina Whitaker
Pennycress Establishment in Response to Management of Corn Residue and Harvest Date, Bethany Wohrley
The Measurement of College Athletes' Knowledge and Behavior on Pre-and Post-workout Nutrition Utilizing a Text-Message Intervention, Hannah Christine Young
I'm Not a Virus: Asian Hate in Donald Trump's Rhetoric, Jennifer Zheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Improving Failure Mode & Effect Analysis ( Fmea ) Method Using Discrete Event Simulation, Adil Abdukeyum
Are Websites of Victim Service Organizations Representative of Women of Color? a Content Analysis, Loretta Addo-Danso
English Medium Instruction ( Emi ) at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences ( Ksau-Hs ): Students’ Needs and Instructors’ Attitudes, ABDULELAH MOHAMMED ALKHATEEB
Lie Groups and Euler-Bernoulli Beam Equation, Medeu Amangeldi
Identifying Unknown Sources of Nitrate in Two Central Illinois Watersheds, William Andrews
Phosphorus and Zinc Effects on Soybean [ Glycine Max ( L. ) Merrill ] Yield and Agronomic Efficiency, Godfred Ankomah
Improving Model Performance through Indirect Integration of Human Impacts in Data-Driven Hydrologic Models, Dawit Wolday Asfaw
Moral Modeling: How Heroes Impact Values, Christopher David Atkinson
Sleep Quality and Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression in Young Adults with Concussion History, Jessica Barrack
Keep Your Friends Close: Ostracism via Social Media as a Function of Relational Closeness, Ryan Barta
Exploring Middle School Students’ Strategies When Solving Surface Area Tasks, Pamela Sue Beck
Teaching English Language Varieties: Promoting Linguistic and Educational Change through a Critical Multicultural Pedagogical Approach in the “Introduction to Linguistics ” Course, Lyudmila N. Belomoina
Restorative Practices: Its Impact on Racial Inequity in Pk-12 Schools, Shelia Evonne Boozer
The Pedagogy of Terror: Women's Education in the Gothic Novel, Faith Borland
Understanding Teacher-Child and Peer Interactions during a 12-Week Preschool Art Program, Rebecca Bove
Inclusive Math and Science Spaces through Professional Development: a Qualitative Study Focusing on Educator Views of Multilingual Learners and Educator Identity, Helen Dick Brandon
The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Student-Athletes, Jessica K. Brougham
How the Covid-19 Closures and Restrictions Were Perceived by University Students as It Relates to Physical Activity Behaviors, Madison Brown
But at what Cost? a Rhetorical Analysis of Capitalism, Whiteness, and Their Intersection in Boots Riley's 2018 Sorry To Bother You, Kara A. Brummel
Athletic Training Clinical Education Assessments: an Exploration of the at Milestones, Chelsey Bruns
The Development of a Measure of Parent and Teacher Perceptions of the Importance of Social-Emotional Learning in the Schools, Heather M. Calkins
“Never Again Is Now ” Use of Cultural Frames in a Social Movement Organization, Erik Paul Carlson
The Correlation between Ankle Proprioception and Lower Extremity Muscle Reactions in Response to Simulated Lateral Ankle Sprains, Erin M. Carroll
Isolating Locations of Potential Episodes of Cave Collapse and Their Relationship to Cave Level Development through Major River System Incisions, Ethan William Conley
Covid-19 Mortality Prediction Using Machine Learning-Integrated Random Forest Algorithm under Varying Patient Frailty, Erwin Cornelius
Defining Compulsory Academic Genres: a Feminist Rhetorical Interrogation of Required Institutional Practices, Courtney Cox
Perceptions of Illinois Community College Chief Academic Officers: Fulfilling the Mission, Mark A. Coykendall
Synthesis of Oxyquinoliziniporphyrins and Pyridoquinoliziniporphyrins, Emma Cramer
Community Needs Assessment for Mclean County, Hannah Lynn Curry
A Qualitative Study of the Motivations and Experiences of African Students in Community Colleges in the United States, Ansumana Darboe
Physiological Consequences of Neuromodulation and the Cellular Properties That Underlie Them, Margaret Louise DeMaegd
Barriers to Physical Activity in University Students Referred to an Exercise Is Medicine on Campus Program, Alexander Michael DiSerio
Effects of Crosslinking Density in the Formation of Gold-Polymer Composite Particles and Their Catalytic Applications, Franklin Obinna Egemole
Corruption and Coordination in Russia’s Economy, Peter Kalev Elias
Reducing Seed Coat Fiber Content and Pod Shatter, and Engineering Medium Chain Fatty Acids-Containing Oil, in the Oilseed Crop Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. ), Maliheh Esfahanian
Helping Students in the Heartland: Student Affairs at Rural Community Colleges, Gabe Estill
Culturally Responsive Practices in Head Start Settings, Kathryn Diane Ferdon
The Effect of a Text-Message Based Hydration Education Intervention on Hydration Knowledge and Behavior of Division I Female Collegiate Soccer Players, Milaena Ferrarese
Non-Violent Resistance Movements and Substantive Democracy, Jalal Fetrati
“Natural Ties for Patriotic Purposes": the Committee on Public Information, Americanization, and Swedish-American Transnationalism, Race L. Fisher
Evaluating the Trauma-Informed Program for Promoting Success, Jessica Foley
Depolicing: an Empirical Analysis, Jacob Terrell Foster
Womanist Ways in a Man's World: Unpacking Anti-blackness in Higher Education Enrollment Management Roles, Mesha C Garner
'Give Us More To See': a Feminist and Queer Look at Stephen Sondheim, Kevin P. Goffard
Rails at Different Scales: Ecological and Evolutionary Drivers of Vocal Behavior in Rallidae, Daniel Lorenz Goldberg