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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Leptopilina Heterotoma Responds to a Change in Host Species with Specific Altered Protein Expression, Dakota Fuss
You Ca N’t Police Your Way out of these Problems: Disregarding the Structural Components of Community Problems, Kian Spencer Gaines
A Deep Learning Approach to Extractive Text Summarization Using Knowledge Graph and Language Model, Yichen Gao
The Impact of Stress on Graduate Students’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Moderating Role of Mentorship, Victoria Garcia
Back Country: Queer Rural Temporalities, Pansies in the Bluegrass, Cooper Lane Gibson
The Crafting of Pre-service Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Problem Behavior: a Post-intentional Phenomenological Study, Jamillah Gilbert
The Relationship between Cardiac Load and Metabolic Changes throughout a Collegiate Cross-country Season, Jacob M. Gillum
Understanding Administrative Support from the Perspective of Special Educators, Morgan M. Glasson
Virtual Social Onboarding: Bridging the Gap between Newcomer Adjustment and Workplace Friendships in Virtual Work Teams, Ertemisa Paz Godinez
Shared Reflection on the Perceived Effect of Culturally Responsive School Leadership on Student Suspension Data in K-8th Grade Chicago Public Schools, Christopher Alan Donald Graves
A Coffee Shop Attributes' Impact on Work Behavior: Perceptions of Regular Working Patrons, Haley R. Gwin
Assessing Peacebuilding Processes through a Human Rights Lens: an Analysis of Peacebuilding Efforts in Kosovo, Carolyn Lee Hannon
“Focus in the Chaos: ” Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of a Structured Conferencing Guide, Sara Elizabeth Harms
More than a Framework: Adopting an Equity Mindset Action Steps for School Leaders To Enact Change, Michelle Y. Hassan
Efficacy and Outcome Beliefs of General and Special Education Teachers Working with Culturally Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities, Jennifer L. Hastings
The Association between Civic Engagement via Participatory Art and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy, Michaela Ann Hayes
Using Acoustic Sound Indices To Investigate Sources of Turbidity in a Midwestern Agricultural Stream, Youmi Kay Hong
Criminalization of Environmental Harms in Bangladesh and the United States, Md Lokman Hussain
Otherhood: Tracing Childhood in Korean American Literature for Youth, Nina Hanee Jang
Is Coping Enough? Examining Coping and Burnout among Educators in a Pandemic, Caitlyn Jezowit
The Historical Evolution of State Capacity and Its Effect on Democratization: a Case Study of Egypt, Ashley Elizabeth Johnson
Response to Intervention: Are We on the Right Path?, Teri Justus
The Development of a Young Adults Cancer Patient Peer Match Application, Mojde Kalantari
Monsters Can Do More: Teaching with Monster Studies, Colleen Karn
Exploring the Digital Divide in Educational Technology across Illinois School Districts: a Focus on Business Education in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Schools, Zahra Syedah Kazmi
Acyl Derivatives of Α-hydroxyhippuric Acid: Comparison of a Charged Substrate vs a Neutral Substrate for the Aqueous Kinetics, Elise Kerkemeyer
Interrogating and Genetically Improving Drought Tolerance in the Oilseed Winter Cover Crop, Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. )., Carol S. Kiam Assato
High-Risk Fertility Behaviors: Impact on Child and Risks of Maternal Mortality in Kenya, Mercy Chepkosgei Kiprop
Changes in Athletic Identity and Factors Influencing Change during Collegiate Sports Career, Lilla Kisvari
Characterizing the Role of P38kb and Gars in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Piotr Stan Klos
The Effect of Music Therapy Interventions for Early Adolescents with Special Needs To Improve on-Task Behaviors, Shuolin Kong
Ecofeminism Reimagined: Discourse & Embodiment in Young Adult Literature, Laurel Krapivkin
Language Ideologies and Practices in Ghana's English Language Education: a Critical Analysis of Golden English and National Literacy Acceleration Program Formative Report, Gideon Kwashie Kwawukumey
The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking among Three Agencies Seeking To Address the Problem, Alexis Lange
Individualized Therapeutic Composition as a Method of Improving Sleep Quality in College Students, Nicholas Lanz
Saying Way More than Gay: Polarized Adoption of Ultimate Terms in U.s. Legislation, Shelby E. Limbach
Ex ( in ) Clusion: an Exploratory Case Study of Student Participation in Dual Credit Coursework, Rodrigo Lopez
Shadows of Colored Complexes and Cycle Decompositions of Equipartite Hypergraphs, Genevieve Madden
Non-Zero Sum Sport: Pickleball and the Theory of Coopetition, Max Arthur Manthou
Chop Suey Habits: the State of the American Chinese Restaurant during Covid Times, Rebecca Ma
Burned Beauty: Stories of How Black Women Burn Survivors Manage Their Trauma & Recovery, Bree McCall
Shifting from a System of Grades to a Culture of Learning: Moving toward a More Equitable Culture of Assessment, Jennifer Pamela McCoy
Numeracy, Consistency, and the Allais Paradox, Sean J. McGinity
Experimental Evolution under Varying Sex Ratio and Behavioral Plasticity in Response to Perceived Competitive Environment Independently Influence Male Cricket Calling Effort, Jack Thomas McKermitt
Exploring Informal Mentoring Relationships between Faculty and Undergraduate Students at a Midwest, Urban Institution, Thomas O'Ryan Menchhofer
“Who Will Guard the Guards Themselves ”: a Phenomenological Discourse Analysis on How Whiteness and White Supremacy Are Upheld by White Hearing Officers on Community College Campuses, Amanda Jane Mesirow
Mental Health Service Preferences among Illinois Dairy Producers: a Best-Worst Scaling Approach, Brianna Messman
A Descriptive and Comparative Case Study of Undergraduate Psychology Students' Feedback Processes When Developing a Research Proposal Paper, Derek John Herrmann Meyers
Investigating Heterologous Transgene Expression in N. Crassa, James Christopher Mierendorf
In Debt and Educated Af! the Pursuit of Learning and the Will To Teach: Black Educators' Perspectives, Myskeshia Latrice Mitchell
Fever City: Memory, Truama, and Storytelling via Hybrid Writing Methods: a Creative Dissertation, Samantha Moe
Not in this House, Satan! an Integrative Framing Analysis of Body-Positive Posts on Instagram, Gladys Mana Momade
Illustrating Postcolonial Margins: Locating Experimental, Collaborative, Indian Graphic Narratives in the Twenty-First Century, Sayanti Mondal
Asian Americans, Latinos, and the Hana Center: Solidarity through Community Organization in Northeastern Chicago, Janeth Montenegro Marquez
Revisitng the Violence and Social Order Conceptual Framework: a Case Study of China, Nur E Jannat Moon
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: an Analysis of Student Teacher Reflection, Thunsinee Muangthong
Translingual Pedagogy in the First-Year Composition Classroom: an Examination of Divergent Student Uptake, Ashton Taylor Myerscough
Effect of Nitrogen on Seed Sugar Content in White Corn ( Zea Mays L. ), Douglas Otieno Ndege
"Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin"Does N't Feel like Love: Exploring Queer Former Catholics' Narratives of Lived Experiences, Taylor Kay Newswander
Concerto for' Smacken, Zachary Jinpui Noland
Building Authentic Relationships: Creating a Supportive Environment for Black, Indigenous, and / or People of Color, Kimberly M. Norton
Understanding Groundwater Flow in a Saturated Buffer Zone ( Sbz ) Using Numerical Models: Case Study of T 3 Site, Mclean County, Central Illinois, Nnaemeka Henry Nsude
Hyperplane Arrangements over the Ring of Integers Modulo N., Ehiareshan James Obeahon
Measurement of Ankle Joint Kinematics Using Imus during Countermovement Jumps and Lateral Skater Jumps, Ifeoluwa Olawore
An Authoethnographic Study of My Biliteracy Writing Practices as an Akan Speaker of English: Implications for L 2 Writing, Gabriel Opare
Omnipotence and the Psyche: on a New Psychoanalysis, Dani Park
Identifying Handsaws from Cut Marks on Bone: a Microscopic Trait Analysis, Sarah Elizabeth Patterson
Mothering Experiences of Women in Jail, BOTHWELL PIASON
Lynch Law in the Land of Lincoln: African American Intellectuals and Early Twentieth Century Race Riots, John Patrick Pleming
Community-Based Risk Communication during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Biwoc Framework, Raven Latice Preston
Dad Talk: Father-Child Communication When a Parent Has Cancer, Elizabeth A. Reed
An Augustinian Pedagogy Approach to Integrative Stem Education: the Candle Learning Model, David Joseph Relstab
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Spore Killing by Neurospora’s Meiotic Drive Elements, Nicholas Rhoades
Parenting Characteristics and the Development of Self-Compassion: a Look at Self-Warmth and Self-Coldness, Meghan Rogers
Identification of Gap Junction Genes Involved in the Tail-Flip Escape Circuit of Marbled Crayfish, Rajit S. Roy
Memorable Health Messages and Their Influence on Health Behavior, Benjamin Brew Sam-Paintsil
Electron Affinity Equilibrium Studies of Synthesized N 1-and N 2-Phenyl-1,2,3-Triazole Isomers through Potassium Metal Reduction, Joe Santarelli
Investigating Eco-evolutionary Interactions between Hosts and Members of Their Gut Microbiota, Logan A. Sauers
Characterization of the Autoinhibition Mechanism of the Heterotrimeric Kinesin-2 Motor Protein Kif3a / Kif3 B, Caleb Ayooluwa Sawe
Tale of Two Toddlers: an Exploration of Policies and Procedures for the Magnet School Process, Mary A. Schloz
The Moderating Influence of Individual Differences between Perceived Organizational Support and Effort, Michael Schneider
The Association between Immigration and Recidivism among Juveniles: Exploring the Effects of Acculturation, Moral Disengagement, Employment and Community Involvement., JUANITA MIREKUAA SEFA
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Kills Staphylococcus Aureus in a Polyphosphate-Dependent Manner, Ritika Sujit Shah
Getting Straight to the Point: a Bystander Training for College Students To Address Sexuality-and Gender-Specific Microaggressions in Schools, Caroline Signa
Operationalizing Process Mapping for Small-to-Medium Enterprise Erp Implementation, Matthew Simeroth
Student Learning and Literacy Practices When Video Games Are Incorporated into a Secondary Classroom, Amy Smith
What Factors Motivated Female and Minority Students To Pursue a Career in Healthcare, Ken Smith
The Effects of Target Facial Stimuli Race, Emotional Expression, and Time Delay on Facial Recognition Memory, MaKayla Smullin
Characterizing the Editing Modes of Duplicated Leucyl-Trna Synthetases in the Archaea Sulfolobus Islandicus, Evan T. Strandquist
Shifting the Academic Leadership Paradigm: Culturally Responsive Associate Deans in Illinois Community Colleges, Cathy Y. Taylor
On Your Block: Familial Representations within the Hit Netflix Show on My Block, Grace Telfer
Human Impacts on Erosion in Starved Rock State Park, Illinois, Usa, Savannah Leigh Thielbar
These Blues Are Inspite of You Mr. Charlie: Oral Histories of Black Chicago Blues Musicians Discussing Matters of Race, Andrew T. Thomas
Transition Planning and the School to Prison Pipeline: a Phenomenological Study Investigating the Lived Experiences of Alternatively Placed High School Black Males with High Incidence Disabilities, Brandon Garrett Thornton