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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Global Sounds: Uncovering Music from Popular Refugees as a Space for Counternarratives, Henrique Villela
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Host Immunity in the Drosophila-parasitoid System and Its Application in a Course-Based Research Experience, Ashley Waring-Sparks
Multi-Year Analysis of Groundwater Temperature Fluctuations in a Shallow Aquifer Sysytem Influenced by a Tile-Drain, Jack Thomas Wassik
Training Caregivers of Young Children Who Are Deaf / Hard of Hearing To Implement Communication Facilitation Strategies, Rachel Lynn Wells
Class, Politics and Family Life: a Study of Progressive Working-Class Parenting, Elise Danielle West
The Moderating Effect of Volunteer Motives on the Relation between Job Demands and Exhaustion, Aaron Whitely
The Effect of Percussion and Rhythm-Based Interventions on Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Goals, Lesli Woods
Designing for Multigenerational Households in the United States, Dongniya Xiu
Critical Choices: an Attempt at Understanding What I'm Trying To Understand through Drawing through Drawing, Amy Yeager
Impact of Farm and Producer Characteristics on the Adoption of Best Management Practices among Popcorn Producers in the United States, Benjamin Yeboah
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Bombazo Epistemology a Syllabus of Survival: Dismantling Settler Colonialism's Philosophy in the Stolen Land, Armen Alvarez
The Genre of Modern Motherhood, Nicole M. Arnold
Gone with the Soul, Japheth Asiedu-Kwarteng
Faculty Voices in Faculty-Led Programs Abroad, Tara M. Augspurger
British Colonial Strategies To Control the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 to 1919 in Ashanti, Dennis Baffour Awuah
Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Categorical Reasoning and Knowledge Transfer on Definition Tasks with Two Dimensional Figures, Seyedehkhadijeh Azimi Asmaroud
National Athletes' Perceived Image of the Government in the Development of Sports in Malaysia, Danial Bin Azizan Durisic
Curriculum in the Crosshairs: Power and Critical Race Theory in an American History Textbook, Christopher Anton Bergschneider
"You Have To Find Your People: "a Design-Based Approach to Transforming Teacher Practices Using Socially Just Innovation, Sarah Bonner
Investigating How Ecologically Relevant Thermal Conditions Affect Gonadal Development in a Turtle with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Anthony Trey Breitenbach
Establishing the Non-canonical Nature of a Leucyl-Trna Synthetase Paralog in Sulfolobus Islandicus, Jonathan Blair Brewster
Do “You Have To Be Better? ”: a Narrative Inquiry Exploration of Black Female Former Ncaa Division I Student-Athletes’ Experiences in Athletic Departments, Jessica Jeanne Brown
Thanatechnology: Designing for Death, Samantha Grace Bruner
The Impact of Implicit Education Debt on the Lives of African American Mothers in Phd Programs: a Phenomenological Research Study, Tiffany S. Bumpers
Democracy or Capitalism? the United States and Latin America, Grace Burgener
The Regulation of Oxidative Stress in Age-Related Diseases, Jesica Burkhart
The Effects of Co-planning on Co-teaching Service Delivery Models, Amber Elizabeth Buss
Cultural Exchange: Defining the Native American and African Slave Interaction at Rich Neck Plantation, Theartis R. Butler
An Other Word for It Is Us, Aca Carle
Transforming Words into Action: Exploring Moderators to Racial Social Justice Action by White College Students, Lindsay Nicole Chassay
Sulustar Kꭢstybetter, Sargylana Cherepanova
Parent Shaming: the Impact of Race and Ability Status on Perceptions of Parenting, Kara Sue Cicciarelli
White Faculty Responses to Implicit Racial Bias and Racially Responsive Pedagogy in the Community College Classroom, Julie Anne Clemens
Working with Great Expectations: the Impact of Met and Unmet Expectations on Employee Engagement and Intent To Leave, Megan Daigle
Exploring Second Language Writing Pedagogy in the Saudi Univeristy Context: a Descriptive Case Study of Writing Instruction and Feedback Strategies, Talal Waleed Daweli
The Impact of Flipped Learning on the Language Performance and Attitudes of Beginning Spanish as a Second Language Learners, Susana Dimas
Educating through Democracy: a Critical Analysis of Classroom Discourse, Jill Ann Donnel
Sers-Based Rapid Vertical Flow Immunoassay for Enhanced Point of Care Diagnostics, Eunice Ama Ebbah
Predictors of Cross-racial Sharing Behavior in White Preschool Children, Miranda Ellis
The Relationship between Interparental Conflict, Family Attachment Style, and Young Adult Emotion Regulation, Kaylee Enevold
Plasticity in Female Incubation Behaviour Mitigates Effects of Experimentally Increased Nestbox Temperature on House Wren Nestling Growth and Survival, Paige Anne Farchmin
The Use of Percussion Language from Beijing Opera in Music Composition, Wenxiang Feng
Individual, Child, and Socioeconomic Factors: Effects on Custody Litigation, Natalie Elizabeth Fischer
Seven:Twentyfour, Peytin Fitzgerald
Mestiza Teatro: an Examination on the Historical Artform of the Latina / Chicana Theatre Collective, Cheyenne Felicitas Flores
United States V. Sioux Nation: Congressional Abdication of Plenary Power and Lakota Resistance, Mark Greer
Hamiltonian Cycles and 2-Factors in Tough Graphs without Forbidden Subgraphs, Elizabeth Veronica Grimm
Pregnant Women's Perception of Risk Associated with Tobacco Use during Pregnancy, Teresa Lynn Gulley
Effects of Depth and Cover Crop Treatment on the Functioning and Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities, Emily N. Hansen
The Moderating Effect of Mission Statement Integration within Non-profit Organizations, Emma Christine Harris
Characterization of Adaptations That Confer Increased Resistance to High Salinity in Brine Shrimp, Jasmine Hatcher-Moorman
Mathieu-Zhao Subspaces of Burnside Algebras of some Finite Groups, Andrew Burak Hatfield
The Effects of Social Media on Psychological Distress: Contributions of Loneliness, Fear of Missing out, and Need Satisfaction, Garett R. Hawkinson
Evaluation of Bmi, Diet Quality, Alcohol Intake, and Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors: Is There an Association with Primary Source of Nutrition Advice?, Zachary J. Heindl
An Examination of Student Success and Barriers in a Foundational Secondary Teacher Education Online Course, Gary Higham
The Relationship among Resting Metabolic Rate and Step Counts in College Students, Brandon Hobson
Instructional Clarity Examined as a Transactional Communication Process, Dakota C. Horn
Understanding the Pathogenesis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using a Caenorhabditis Elegans Model, Kiley Hughes
Bystander or Ally? : Predictors of Adolescent Behavior in Response to Microaggressions on Social Media, Keeley Hynes
The Effects of Online Learning on Students' Anxiety and Motivation., Andrea Iturbe Zúñiga
Inheritance and Appropriation: Confronting Privilege in Magical Young Adult Fiction, Natalie Jipson
The Congruence of Parent-Teacher Relationships for Students with Autism: the Role of Teacher Efficacy and School Climate, Morgan Johnson
The Downside of Financial Aid: an Analysis of Student Loan Default at a Midwest Public University, Brian William Johnston
Understanding the Regulation of Innate Immune Mechanisms and Its Relevance in Diseases Using Drosophila Melanogaster, Pooja Kadaba Ranganath
Student Perceptions of Instructors Comparing a Low Mediated Immediacy Syllabus to a High Mediated Immediacy Syllabus, Ann Marie Katlyn Kamps
Measuring Optical Water Quality Parameters Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( Uav )-Based Multispectral Sensor, Lake Bloomington and Evergreen Lake, Jerome Michael Komas
We Might Be Salvaged, Hannah Kroonblawd
Empathy Matters: Building Relationships One Story at a Time, David Lee LaFrance
Understanding Female Millennial Administrators and Their Perceptions and Experiences of Leadership in the Community College, Kerri Langdon
Open: Mind, Casey Laughlin
Investigating the Role of Amyloid Beta Peptides in Inflammation and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis, Nguyen Le
Towards a Relational Understanding of Food, Identity, and Diversity in Children’s Literature, Katy Lewis
I Got Two Versions: Frank Ocean, Lil Nas X, and the Rhetoric of Progressive Masculinity in Rap Music, Evan William Lobdell
College-Age Female’s Wishful Identification and Homophily with a Media Figure Using High versus Low Amounts of Glottal Fry, Erin Meyer Logsdon
Nothing for Us, about Us, without Us, Dream Action Niu: ( re ) Formation of Undocumented and Mixed-Status Students’ Identities of Resistance, Sandra Watson López
Aiming To Please: Navigating Intersectional Realities, Priscilla Kar Yee Lo
Of Mites and Brains: Ectoparasitism in Nestlings Alters the Development of Song Control Nuclei in European Starlings, Elliot Parker Lusk
Ani-Kitu Hwagi Center Places: a Study of Survivance, Tyler Michael Mantia
Thermal and Hormonal Effects on Gene Expression and Development in the Red-eared Slider Turtle, Rosario A. Marroquin-Flores
Cognitive Biases in Perfectionism: Attention Bias and Memory Bias for Perfectionism-Relevant and Negative Stimuli, Elizabeth Mary Marsh
Synthesis of Highly Conjugated Porphyrinoid Systems, Melissa Mathius
Employer Perceptions of Essential Skills Required of Postsecondary Agriculture Students, Emily McClure
Consequences of Microsporidian Prior Exposure for Virus Infection Outcomes and Bumble Bee Host Health, Elyse Christine McCormick
Emerging Adults’ Risk Perception and Mindfulness Strategies Concerning Climate Change and Environmental Commitment, Danieli Mercado Ramos
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport ( Red -s ) Risk Factors among Collegiate Athletes, Hope K. Metz
The Effectiveness of Planned and Incidental Focus on Form in Learning Grammatical Concepts in Two Spanish as L 2 Classrooms, Rebeca Monasterio
Steps towards Liberation for Low-Income Black Residents through Anti-racist and Counter-Racial Capitalist Community Development Practices, Natasha Moodie
Parents’ Right-Wing Political Conservatism and Trans Teacher Bathroom Access in School: Ambiguity Is Threatening, Aaron F. Neitzel
The Application of Collaborative Robots in Garment Factories, Kim Phung Nguyen
Statistical Modeling of Data Breach Risks: Time to Identification and Notification, Quynh Nhu Nguyen
African American Family Members’ Needs and Experiences during a Loved One’s End-of-Life, Kelley Obringer
Factors Motivating Individuals with no School-Based Agricultural Education Background To Enter the Profession, Jenna Kay Offerman
Trends in Nutrients Load and Driving Factors in Illinois River Basins, Olaoluwa David Oladuji
The Resistance of the Hondureña: Bridging Literary Graveyards through a Postcolonial-Ecofeminist Approach, Anna Linnea Ortiz