"Collaborative Counseling" by Jerry K. Hoepner and Erin D. Zigler-Miller


Practicing speech-language pathologists and graduate students identify a need for counseling training but feel unprepared to implement counseling in everyday practice. Within speech-language pathology, there is a dearth of evidence about best teaching practices for counseling. The current investigation examines the collaborative counseling program, which involves hands-on training with authentic clients with communication disorders. Thirty-six students across two cohorts participated in this study. Students composed individual reflections after each collaborative counseling session. Each cohort also participated in oral debriefings after each session. Reflections and debriefing transcripts were analyzed qualitatively through open and axial coding via micro and macro analyses. Micro analysis of individual reflections resulted in six overarching domains, 12 themes and numerous subthemes. Macro analysis of group and individual reflections resulted in three overarching themes: the learner’s state of being, client’s state of being, and skill development. Students gained confidence and efficacy in the ability to implement counseling and motivational interviewing techniques in authentic counseling interactions. They learned the value of exploring client values, perspectives, and how to capture this through notes that scaffold their ability to implement person-centered techniques. They also learned numerous counseling techniques and skills that they strengthened through repeated practice opportunities and feedback.
